Engr. Nahid Shahzad



Trend of Speaking Abusive language in Pakistan


Trend of Speaking Abusive Language in Pakistan

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said:

“The inmates of Hell are of five types….” And among them he mentioned “…the miser, the liar and those who are in the habit of abusing people and using obscene and foul language.” (Muslim)

We are accusing and playing blame games on each other that pandemic is the consequence of game plan of western countries, western and eastern countries accuse each other, 2020 is the disastrous year for human, 2020 may be the end of world blah blah…These are the words of mouth we can hear, read and speak in daily routine but still we are not even bored to criticize and blame each other. It’s strange. Life is getting miserable and we are making it worst ourselves. This is the point at which we all should have to look at ourselves rather than pointing fingers at others. We should think and sort out the major factors behind rise of troubles and disasters in our lives.

At present, use of abusive and obnoxious languages are becoming part of our cultural trend and fashion. We are started in owing western culture without analyzing how much percentage of adverse effects on our upcoming generation.  The objective of an article is just not only to raise concern on this major issue but also sort out solutions to mitigate it. It is nuisance for the whole society. At first, we need to fix ourselves. In my perspective, the root cause of this major issue is family members and relatives live with the kids. They use deliberately foul languages in front of their kids without acknowledging that it has worst impact on kids. When children continuous hear bad words in their surroundings so they get familiar with it and they can’t help themselves to keep out of it. They grab it and get habitual of using foul languages in front of others. In inception, they speak it unintentionally and it becomes part of their speaking with the passage of time. The bitter truth is that we do not concern that what we are teaching to our new generations? Here the problem arises and we remain unaware of it. Needless to say that children always learn from our behavior and actions. Another major factor which impacts a lot on children’s mind and leave long term influence on their brains is the social media. It is absurd. Social media is playing significant role in making kids aware of using foul languages. Actors, actresses, news-casters and hosts frequently use it on TV channels and politicians quarrel with each other in obnoxious languages😞. Furthermore, they grasp cursive words from their friends living in their neighbors and also from school friends.

However multiple studies show that social media has strong positive and negative influences on child’s behaviour and mindset. At this epoch, there is so much craze of Tik-Tok, prank and funny videos not only in youngsters but it also influences our older generations and children. Children, adolescents and older generations loves to watch Tik-Tok vidoes because these videos are humorous and entertaining. The negative part is that use of cursive and offensive language is very common in these videos. The trend is that if they use more offensive and obnoxious languages in their Tik-Tok videos, they will get more views and subscriptions. Research suggests that children spend hours and hours on watching videos and offensive language used in videos creates worst influence over language of children themselves.😟

An important step in navigating the issue of growth and trend of speaking foul languages as a symbol of fashion is to have on-going conversation with our older generations, teens and children. We should talk to our older generation to avoid speaking offensive languages as much as they can. It can be reduced if they watch and listen Islamic scholar videos related to prohibition of use of offensive and cursive words in Islam. It literally worth it. In addition to this, parents should not laugh and angry on use of inappropriate language of kids but they must address them politely about its side-effects and benefits of speaking good words. If a child continues to speak inappropriate languages, then try to figure out root cause of the issue and be consistent to teach him its adverse impacts on him. If we are dealing with adolescents so we should discuss this matter with them and learn them to avoid watching videos comprising of offensive languages. It is a guarantee that they must listen and act upon it. We cannot force them to do so but continuous learning and effort will help us to reduce this issue. It requires collective efforts to decrease continuous use of offensive words in our daily routine. Another way is that government should take proper initiatives by imposing ban use of cursive words on TV channels as it was in the past. They should make Censor board who review and check contents use and display in dramas, movies and news before getting on-aired. They should not allow use of inappropriate languages on channels by applying various kinds of restrictions. If they do not follow, then impose fine or penalty on them and there are numerous ways to get them restricted and controlled. In this way, we will be able to reduce curse of speaking bad words from our society and trigger positivity and peace in our younger generation. Perhaps, we all need to do collective and deliberate efforts to keep ourselves away from sins and bad behaviours. May! Allah will help us and shower His blessings upon us.(Ameen)

It is to be evident that the importance of speaking good words in Islam emphasized by Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and said:

“Whoever believes in God the Last Day must speak good or keep silent.” (Bukhaari)


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