Engr. Nahid Shahzad





  1. People moved to land around the Aegean Sea to find the new farm land.
  2.  Alexander the great founded at least 20 cities called Alexandria.
  3.  Philip of Macedon were the cruel and unfair ruler who has complete control.
  4.  A type of government in which people help to make rules are Democracy.
  5.  A city and its surroundings territory that forms a separate state is city-states.
  6.  The ideas customs and behavior of a group of people shown is  Athens.
  7.   A public open space for holding markets and meetings in Ancient Greek cities       is Agora.
  8.      Athens and Sparta were two main city states ruled much of Ancient Greece.
  9.      Greek children played with dolls made from pottery, woods and rags.
  10.       They make rattle, hoops and balls form rags.
  11.      They played the game knucklebones using real sheep bones.
  12.      They keep them fit at public gymnasium.
  13.     Their plays were about tragedies and comedies.
  14.         The actor wore masks of different characters.
  15.       The theater were decorated with carving of  theatrical mask.
  16.        Ancient Greek loved sports.   
  17.      They visited Agora for shopping. 
  18.          Their special event is Olympic Games
  19.         People who were not citizens could not own property and  they worked for             wealthier families as craftsmen, merchants and soldiers.
  20.       Low ranking slaves worked in quarries or mines.    
  21.      Mid-level slaves worked on farms or in wealthy households.
  22.      One who had special starts became nurses, teachers or craftspeople.

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