Engr. Nahid Shahzad



Geography Worksheet: Oil and The Environment

 Geography Worksheet: Oil and The Environment

Q) Fill in the Blanks:

1. Crude Oil is one of the world’s most valuable natural resources.

2. The deepest oil well was drilled in 2009 in the Gulf of Mexico.

3. The natural gas is used as a fuel.

4. Oil is a non-renewable resource.

5. Oil companies use huge platforms called oilrigs to drill oil from the ground.

Q) Write answers to the questions?

1. How is oil formed?

1. Crude oil was formed from tiny plants and animals that lived in the sea millions of years ago. When these plants and animals that lived in the sea millions of years ago. When these plants and animals died, they sank to the bottom of the sea. They became buried by mud and sand and over millions of years were changed into oil.

2. What are the applications of oil?

2. It is used to make petrol, diesel, paraffin or kerosene, heating oil and asphalt. Other materials made from crude oil include paints, detergents, plastics, synthetic rubber and pesticides.

3. Which type of resource is oil? Give reasons to support your answer.

3. Oil is a non-renewable resource. If we go on using more and more oil, soon there will be none left because oil will take millions of years to form.

4. How can we get oil from ground?

4. Oil is found in layers deep underground. To get at the oil, workers have to drill thousands of meters through the rock. If they strike oil, it rushes out of the ground in a mixture with gas. In some places, oil companies drill for oil below the sea floor.

5. What incident happened in the Gulf of Mexico related to oil?

5. In April 2010, an oil rig exploded and sank in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 people. 780,000 cubic meters of oil gushed out into the sea.

6. What are the different mediums through which oil can be transported in the world?

6. The oil has to be pumped through large pipes over land to a port. Large oil tanker ships take the oil around the world.

7. What are the harmful effects of oil on aquatic life?

7. If an oil tanker runs aground or collides with another ship, thousands of tonnes of oil may spill out. Oil may also be spilled when a tanker is being loaded. Plants and animals that live in the sea, including the fish and shellfish we eat, die. Seabirds that get oil on their feathers cannot survive.

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