Engr. Nahid Shahzad



Simple Pendulum | Engineering Mechanics Experiment No.11





To calculate the time period of simple pendulum and compare it with the theoretical values.  


Balancing Pin, Rod, Pendulum Bob, Pin Thread.  


Figure 11.1: Simple Pendulum



A pendulum is a weight suspended from a pivot so that it can swing freely. When a pendulum is displaced sideways from its resting equilibrium position, it is subject to a restoring force due to gravity that will accelerate it back toward the equilibrium position. When released, the restoring force combined with the pendulum's mass causes it to oscillate about the equilibrium position, swinging back and forth. The time for one complete cycle, a left swing and a right swing, is called the period. A pendulum swings with a specific period which depends (mainly) on its length. A simple pendulum, in its simplest form, consists of heavy bob suspended at the end of a light inextensible and flexible string. The other end of the string is fixed.  


L= Length of the string.

M= Mass of the bob in kg.

W = Weight of the bob in Newton.

θ  = Angle through which the string is displaced.


1.               Take a long string and tight the bob on its one end.  

2.               Then tight the string with pin on wall mounted pendulum apparatus.  

3.               Deflect the bob from its original position by keeping string tight.  

4.               Take a stop watch to note the time.  

5.               Released the bob and instantly start the stop watch.  

6.               Note the time of 20 oscillations and calculate the time period by using formula;  

Time Period = (Time of total Oscillation) / Total number oscillations (This time period will be practical time period) 


7.               Repeat the procedure 2 to 3 times and take the average time period. 


8.               Reduce the length of the string and repeat the same procedure.  

9.               Compare it with theoretical values.  



      Calculate the time period of Simple Pendulum analytically by using formula;

      Compare the results of time period of Simple Pendulum obtained experimentally and analytically.

      Plot the graph between length on x-axis and time period on y-axis obtained experimentally and graphically using Microsoft EXCEL.



1.      The bob of pendulum should be displaced with a small angle.

2.      The amplitude of the oscillation of a simple pendulum should be small.

3.      Fans should be switched off to reduce the air resistance.

4.      The simple pendulum should be oscillating in a vertical plane.



      The comparison of the results obtained experimentally and analytically.

      The impact of different material, mass of the bob and length on the time period. 

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