Engr. Nahid Shahzad



Gravesand Apparatus | Engineering Mechanics Experiment No.4



          EXPERIMENT NO.4


To determine the tension in Gravesand Apparatus.


Frictionless Pulley, Base Frame, Spirit level, Spring Balances, Hooks for spring balances, Gravesand apparatus Sheet.

Figure 4.1: Gravesand Apparatus 


Tension is described as the pulling force transmitted axially by the means of a string or cable.


Step#1: Set the apparatus as shown in the figure.

Step#2: Apply specific amount of forces F1, F2, F3 at the given points with the help of hanging loads/ weights.

Step#3: The force is set in such as manner to attain the equilibrium position.

Step#4: The forces in the cables can be found out with the help of calibrated spring and then angle that the cable made with the horizontal can be found with the help of scale affixed.

Step#5: Change the load configuration and then repeat the same steps.


Record the analytical and experimental data result in tabular form. 

 Percentage Error:


P = actual weight of body measured from spring balance.

P1 = calculated weight of body from experiment.


Verify the experimental results by finding the forces in the cable analytically.



1.      Pulleys should be friction free.

2.      The string used should be of in-elastic material.

3.      There should be no disturbance of air, vibration and therefore be kept minimum while taking measurement.


Discuss the effect of the changing position of the pulleys and weight on the tension force.

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