Engr. Nahid Shahzad





Multiple Choice Questions

Choose and click on the correct answer.

1.    Greeks children played with dolls made from ______, _______ and _______. 



  • o   Plastic, wood and rags
  • o   Pottery, wood or rags.
  • o   Metals, wood and mud

2. The idea of democracy was developed by the people of __________. 

  • o   Romans
  • o   Athens
  • o   Sparta


3.    The Egyptians developed a calendar based on ______ months. 


  • o   4
  • o   12
  • o   30

4. ____________ was the famous warrior and never lost a single battle in his lifetime. 


  • o   Alexander The Great
  • o   Philip of Macedon
  • o   Tutankhamun

5. A form of government in which people have no rights is known as ___________. 


  • o   Republic
  • o   Democracy
  • o   Kingship

6. Ancient Egyptians preserve the body through the process called _____________. 

  • o   Hibernation
  • o   Classification
  • o   Mummification

7. The Rosetta stone has been kept in British museum which is located in ___________. 


  • o   London
  • o   Paris
  • o   China

8. The largest and most famous pyramid is the Great Pyramid of _______ 


  • o   Djoser
  • o   Giza
  • o   Khufu

9. Each ______ has its own form of government in Ancient Greece. 


  • o   country
  • o   city-state
  • o   settlement

10. In Ancient Greece ________ were decorated with theatrical masks. 

  • o   Agora
  • o   Theatres
  • o   Gynaikon

11. ______ took control of all the city-states in 338 BCE. 


  • o   Philip of Macedon
  • o   Tutankhamun
  • o   Socrates

12. The time period when no art and literature was produced is called _______ age. 


  • o   Dark age
  • o   Hellenistic age
  • o   Roman Age

Give reasons of the following with correct statement.

Q1: Name the time period with great advancement in the field of education in Ancient Greece. 

A1: It is because Ancient Greek loved sports and they watch running races in stadiums and there were several sporting events.


Q2: Most city-states in Ancient Greece had a stadium. 


A2: It is because Ancient Greek loved sports and they watch running races in stadiums and there were several sporting events.


Q3. The pyramids were the royal tombs of Pharaohs. 

A3: The pyramids were built to protect the preserved bodies of pharaohs and to keep the treasures for afterlife.

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