Engr. Nahid Shahzad



How to Make Posters: Outcome Based Education Posters Samples



For the first time,  I have designed poster on Microsoft PowerPoint and it took around four hours to decide material of poster and its presentation. I realized that poster is not difficult to make but main thing is that its formatting and materials are very important. The reason is that poster should be attractive and appealing for the audience otherwise it makes no sense. Nowadays, posters are getting very important for the marketing purpose. For example, posters are used for publicizing coaching centers, shops, advertisements and exhibitions. In my university, there was a Pakistan Engineering Council Visit so I have to make poster for the explanation of Outcome Based Engineering (OBE). It is mandatory for all engineering universities to put posters providing the details of Outcome Based Engineering and its components on the walls of the classrooms and laboratories. In this way, students must be fully aware of this Education System. So, I made poster containing description of University's vision and mission, Department's vision and mission, Program Educational Objectives and Program Learning Outcomes. The sample is provided in this blog.

Figure No.1: Outcome Based Education (OBE) Poster 1

I made another poster on Outcome Based Education containing description of different domains of Bloom's Taxonomy. It includes various levels of Cognitive Domain, Psychomotor Domain and Affective Domain. There was ample space in the poster so I utilize those spaces as well by providing definition of Complex Engineering Problem and its mapping with Program Learning Outcomes. In addition to this, this poster also comprises of Complex Engineering Activities. 

                            Figure No.2: Outcome Based Education (OBE) Poster 2

These posters will help you in making Outcome Based Education (OBE) Posters. I have searched on an internet but I did not find any comprehensive poster containing all the important characteristics of this Education System. Obviously, this system is new in Pakistan and all the Engineering Universities are working on it. It may be helpful and productive for you all. I printed out these posters on Ao (33.109 in. x 46.811 in.) size.

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