Engr. Nahid Shahzad





Improving Environment, Rubbish and Litter and Recycling Rubbish:

Q) Fill in the blanks:

  • The Romans were the first people to use concrete on a large-scale nearly 2000 years ago.
  • Old quarries and sand and gravel pits are often used as landfill sites.
  • Rubbish is anything we do not want or need.
  • Litter is any rubbish we do not put in a bin or recycle.
  • Landfill sites also produce huge quantities of poisonous gases, such as methane and carbon dioxide.
  • Litter carry germs which make people and animals ill.
  • Sunlight shining through old bottles and broken glass can start fires in dry places.
  • Bottles, cans and six pack rings can trap small animals.
  • Cigarette ends and matches can start fires.
  • When we go shopping we can choose things which only have a little packaging.
  • Plastic bags can choke big animals like goats, cows, camels and horses.
  • Landfill sites take up valuable space and pollute the environment.
  • Throwing things away when we have finished with them causes pollution.
  • Making a bottle from recycled glass uses only one tenth of the energy needed to make a brand-new bottle.
  • Fruit, vegetable and other plant waste can be recycled by using it make compost.
  • Compost is used as a natural fertilizer to help grow more plants.
  • Recycling saves natural resources and energy helps to protect the environment.

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