Engr. Nahid Shahzad



Geography Worksheet (Earthquakes and Volcanoes)


Geography Worksheet:

Earthquakes and Volcanoes:

Fill in the blanks:

1.The crust is the outer layer of the Earth.

2.Core is in the center of the Earth.

3.The outer core is made of hot liquid iron with some nickel.

4.The inner core is a hot ball of solid iron with some nickel.

5.Underneath the crust is a very thick layer of hot rocks called the mantle.

6.Some of the mantle is solid, but parts of it are so hot that the rocks are molten (have melted) and flow like sticky tar.

7.Crust is a layer of solid rock beneath the soil.

8.A huge earthquake in the Indian Ocean in 2004 produced large sea waves called Tsunamis, which killed about 300000 people.

9.Earth’s crust is made up of 7 giant pieces and at least 12 smaller ones, called plates.

10.The solid plates float on the molten rocks of mantle underneath.

11.The ground beneath our feet feels firm and hard, but really it is always moving very slowly.

12.Most Earthquakes and volcanoes are found where two or more of the Earth’s plates bump into each other or pull apart.

13.Core of the Earth is made up of two parts, both of them extremely hot.

14.The plates form the Earth’s crust fit together like the pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.

15. When Sinabug volcano erupted on the Indonesian island of Sumatra in November 2013, nearly 18000 people had to leave their homes because rocks and ash rained down on their homes.

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