Engr. Nahid Shahzad



Simply Supported Beam Having Uniformly Distributed Loads | Engineering Mechanics Experiment No.10


          EXPERIMENT NO.10


The purpose of the experiment is to determine support reactions of a Uniformly Distributed Loads (UDL) on beams and draw shear force and bending moment diagrams.


Weight Balance, weights, hanger, pavers, ruler. 


Figure 10.1: Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL) on Beam Apparatus.


A Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL) is a load that is distributed or spread across the whole region of an element such as a beam or slab.


Step#1: Calculate self-weight of the beam.

Step#2: Adjust the weighing balances to zero with the help of by adjusting screw.

Step#3: Record the reactions observed on the balance scale independently. The sum of the reaction will give the self-weight of the beam.

Step#4: Place three pavers of same weight and size on the beam and see the support reactions on

the weight machine.

Figure 10.2: Beam is having Uniformly Distributed Load at the left hand side.

          Figure 10.3: Uniformly Distributed Load is throughout the beam. B. Calculate the reactions on the beam due to external/applied loads:

Step 1: Adjust the weighing balance to zero by adjusting screw, when the beam is placed in the positions.

(a)   As shown in figure 10.2

(b)  As shown in figure 10.3

Step 2: Apply the Uniformly Distributed load (UDL) with the help of pavers.

      At the left hand side of the beam (Figure 10.2)

      Throughout the beam (Figure 10.3)

Step#3: Record the value of R1 and R2 on the balance scale provided on the both edges for the two loading conditions. 

Figure 10.4: Beam having Uniformly Distributed Load is at the right hand side and Point load is at L/3 distance from left hand side.

Figure 10.5: Beam having Uniformly distributed load at both right and left hand side and Point load is applied at the center of the beam.

o   Now apply Uniformly Distributed Loads (UDL)

At left hand side of the beam and point load at the L/3 distance. (Figure 12.4)

  At both right and left hand side and point load is at the center. (Figure 12.5)

o   Record the value of R1 and R2 on the both edges when uniformly distributed loads and point loads are applied. 

o   Now apply Uniformly Distributed Load  

      At center and two point loads acting at L/4 distance from both sides. (Figure 10.6)

      Throughout beam and two point loads at L/6 distance from both sides. (Figure 10.7) o Analytically calculate R1 and R2 for all the six cases.



Solve all the six cases for analytical results and also plot shear force and bending moment diagram of all the six cases on paper and using Microsoft Excel.


1.         Accuracy of weighing scale.

2.         Horizontal beam should be maintained and remained throughout the experiment particularly when load application and measurement of reactions are made.

3.         Pavers should be of same size and weight.



      The change in value of R1 and R2 when Uniformly Distributed Load and point loads are applied.

      The ratio of load transfers on both sides when the distance changes from both end. 

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